Choosing the right uptime monitoring service is crucial for maintaining the reliability and performance of your website. It's not just about keeping your site online; it's about ensuring that it's responsive, secure and consistently providing a positive user experience. With the vast array of monitoring services available today, it can be overwhelming to select one that best fits your specific needs.

This guide aims to simplify that process by outlining the key factors you should consider when comparing uptime monitoring services. Whether you’re running a small blog or a large e-commerce platform, the right monitoring tools can make a significant difference in how you manage site performance and user satisfaction. With that in mind, it's important to establish the context of this guide. If you're a web agency, this is the guide for you. If you're looking for infrastructure and endpoint monitoring services, you're better off evaluating services like Datadog and New Relic and skipping this guide altogether.

We are, of course, going to plug our own uptime monitoring service at the end.

Domain Name Monitoring

Let's just go ahead and knock this one out first. It's happened to all of us - the dreaded domain name expiration. Checking that "auto-renew" box might be simple, but that doesn't mean we always remember to. Preventing expiration altogether via monitoring is the next best thing to actually checking the auto-renew box.

Make sure the outage monitoring services you're evaluating all include this by default. Because these checks don't need to be run more than once a day, this feature doesn't actually cost uptime monitoring companies any extra money at all to provide. Avoid services that don't include it in the base plan.

SSL Monitoring

It doesn't seem like that long ago that we had reminders sprinkled all through our calendars about expiring SSL certificates. Luckily, the SSL certificate landscape has changed significantly since the advent of LetsEncrypt, and renewals are now largely automated. That doesn't mean, however, that nothing can go wrong. Certificate renewals can fail, config can change, subdomains can be dropped from the cert - a lot can still go wrong. Having an expired certificate is essentially the same as a full outage.

Make sure the uptime monitoring service you go with offers SSL monitoring for your websites. Similar to domain name monitoring, this doesn't actually cost providers anything extra to include in their service since it is the certificate must be validated each time the service connects to your website anyway.

Notification Channels

Having an outage and knowing you have an outage are two different things. Most monitoring services offer a solid set of notification channels that should cover most uses cases. As you evaluate services, take a second and think about how your web agency communicates and through which of those communication channels you'd like to be notified of downtime.

There's some degree of nuance here that's important to consider. Let's say you decide to use Slack for your downtime notifications. This is one of the most common notification channels and for good reason since it's trivial to have alerts flowing into a channel so that an entire team, including management, can see them. When an outage occurs at 9pm, though, will anyone see the notification?

Having multiple notification pathways configured is the safer bet. Consider combining SMS and Slack, or email and SMS together. Many providers will charge extra for access to certain channels (generally SMS), so keep an eye out for that.

Monitoring Intervals

Monitoring intervals are a critical aspect of uptime monitoring services, as they define how frequently your website is checked for availability and performance issues. Shorter one minute intervals are ideal for highly critical applications where even a brief period of downtime can have significant monetary repercussions. These frequent checks can help in quickly identifying and resolving issues, minimizing the impact on your users and business operations.

On the other hand, less critical sites might warrant longer intervals, such as every 5 or 10 minutes, which can be more cost-effective while still providing adequate oversight. The choice of monitoring interval can significantly affect both the responsiveness of your monitoring service and the overall cost, making it important to balance these factors based on your specific needs and the criticality of your online presence.

If you're a web agency, your worst nightmare is your client notifying you of an outage before you even know it. Pay close attention to the limits around monitoring intervals and eliminate any services that won't provide you with outage notifications quickly.


In the uptime monitoring industry, pricing models vary widely. Many services use a flat rate tiered model, where each tier offers a set number of features, checks, and monitored sites for a fixed price. Higher tiers typically include more frequent monitoring, additional notification channels, and support for more websites. Some services also offer custom enterprise plans tailored to large-scale needs, often with dedicated support and advanced analytics capabilities catering to very large enterprise customers.

AutoUptime, for instance, offers a highly flexible pricing model starting at $8 per month for up to 30 monitors, with additional monitors costing just $0.21 each. This approach allows for significant scalability and utility-per-dollar. Whether you're a small web agency monitoring a handful of client websites or a large enterprise needing extensive coverage, you can customize your plan to your exact needs without overpaying for unnecessary extras. This model is particularly beneficial as it avoids the common pitfalls of overcommitting to expensive plans or underutilizing the service, ensuring that you only pay for what you truly need.

Put us in coach, signup for free (no credit card required) and let us start monitoring your websites today.